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News & Safety

network rail safety bulletins
May 22, 2021

“Workplaces are key to creating a society where everyone’s mental health matters”, SHP meets MHFA England CEO, Simon Blake

MHFA England is calling on employers to act now to help create a society where everyone’s mental health matters,following research carried out by the organisation which has uncovered that one in four employers do not regularly check-in on their employees’ wellbeing.
May 22, 2021

“Workplaces are key to creating a society where everyone’s mental health matters”, SHP meets MHFA England CEO, Simon Blake

MHFA England is calling on employers to act now to help create a society where everyone’s mental health matters,following research carried out by the organisation which has uncovered that one in four employers do not regularly check-in on their employees’ wellbeing.
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