Safety in our Railway Upgrade Plan

We are committed to upgrading the railway safely

The safety of workers, the public, passengers and lineside neighbours is at the heart of every decision taken during a project life cycle from initial design to maintaining and using the finished product.

Whether you are a passenger, visiting one of our stations, a lineside neighbour, a supplier, or a Network Rail employee, we are committed to continually improving our safety performance to ensure everyone gets home safe every day.

The Health and Safety Management System

The health and safety of our employees and others affected by our activities is assured through the effective design, construction, maintenance and operation of the network. Part of our approach to achieve this is our Health and Safety Management System (H&SMS) which describes the framework and arrangements in place to deliver the company’s health and safety vision.

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Small Talk Saves Lives
January 8, 2024
Small Talk Saves Lives
January 8, 2024